Beginner Knitters Welcome!

If you’ve never touched a pair of knitting needles, you’re in the right place! focuses on knitting for beginners.

Every week we’ll bring you new tutorials, free patterns, and inspiration to help you learn how to knit.

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Beginner Knitters Welcome!

If you've never touched a pair of knitting needles, you're in the right place! focuses on knitting for beginners.

Every week we’ll bring you new tutorials, free patterns, and inspiration to help you learn how to knit.



We know that knitting for beginners can be both fun and frustrating. We’re here to demystify all the techniques, terms, and tricky stitches beginner knitters are excited to try.

The first four tutorials show you how to get the yarn onto the needles (casting on), how to do the two basic stitches: knitting and purling, and then how to get your project off the needles (binding off). 

All the basics can be found on our Knitting for Beginners page too! 

Free Patterns!

Need a little inspiration to get you started? Check out our most popular collections of free knitting patterns for beginners! 


Our helpful articles answer all your questions about common knitting tricks, tips, and terminology. Learn all about choosing the right materials and tools for your projects in one place!

We're Knitters Too!

We love seeing new knitters light up when they cast on their first stitches or figure out a particularly puzzling pattern. 

Our goal is to be the first stop for new knitters on their crafty journey. While some of our team members have several decades of knitting experience, others are just getting started! 

We’re excited to bring our combined knowledge and expertise to every part of

We're Knitters Too!

Loom Knitting 
for Beginners

Learn to knit in one sitting with a knitting loom! 

Knitting looms are great for all sorts of projects like hats, blankets, scarves and dishcloths. Each loom comes in different sizes and shapes for a stress free knitting session.

Want to learn more? We’ve got tutorials that cover all the basics of loom knitting for beginners right here!

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