How to Make Yarn Animals with the BeKnitting Pom Pom Kit
Learn to make the most perfect yarn pals ever!
Hello crafty friend, we’re so happy you’re here!
We know that learning a new hobby can be tricky and there’s only so much room in a printed booklet. To help you along in your quest for a perfect pompom we’ve put together longer tutorials for your new kit! Below you’ll find longer, step-by-step guides for each technique as well as other helpful tips and tricks. Make sure to check back, we’ll be adding new things all the time.
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The handy booklet that came with your BeKnitting PomPom Friends Kit has a tutorial for each step in making pompoms for the first time!
Learn to make the most perfect yarn pals ever!
Start here! This tutorials will show you how to make each of the Pom Pom animals from the BeKnitting kit. See step-by-step instructions for making Binky Bunny, Oscar Owl, and Honeybear including specific tips and tricks.
Once you’ve got your Pom Pom animals all done, it’s time to add accessories! Learn how to assemble the feet, add eyes, and get some inspiration for those sparkly pipe cleaners. There’s also a bonus Pom Pom buddy at the end!
We’ll show you how to make one totally perfect pompom using the pompom makers in your kit!
Sometimes it’s hard to get the yarn strand through the eye of the yarn needle. No worries! We have a tutorial showing you a quick-and-easy way to thread a needle perfectly each time.
You can find the BeKnitting PomPom Kit on Amazon! Four fun projects teach you the basic knitting techniques and are designed with new crafters in mind. Never touched a pompom maker? We’ve got you covered!
Each kit comes with four balls of worsted weight (medium) yarn, three sizes of pompom makers, one instruction booklet, felt eyes and accessories, plastic eyes, bow ties, a yarn needle, sparkly pipe cleaners, a folding play background, and punch-out feet and accessories for your new friends!
If you’re stuck or not finding what you’re looking for, let us know!
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