Knitting for Beginners

Knitting for Beginners

Want to learn how to start knitting? You’re in the right place!

Knitting for beginners can be fun and easy with just a few quick tutorials to get you started.

Learning how to knit for beginners starts with five simple tutorials. First, you’ll learn how to get your yarn onto your needles, then we’ll show you the basic stitches (just two!), and finally you’ll finish off with a tutorial showing you how to get your project off your needles.

We know that knitting for beginners isn’t a linear journey! You might start, stop, pause, start over, or try from a different angle a bunch of times before it finally clicks. Hopefully, these tutorials give you a place to start. Even more, we hope that they give you all the tools you need to start and keep knitting for years to come. 

Need help while you learn how to knit? We’ve got you covered! You can reach us any time through our contact page. We love answering questions, finding extra tutorials to help, or explaining a complicated step any time.

Over time we’ll be adding more tutorials to this section so stay tuned for more cast on and bind off techniques, how to weave your ends in and also some handy guides for choosing the right tools and yarn for every project.

In the mean time… happy knitting!

Knitting For BEginners Video Series!

Beginner Basics

5 Videos
How to Tie a Slip Knot - Beginner Knitting Techniques

How to Tie a Slip Knot – Beginner Knitting Techniques

Basic Knitted Cast On Tutorial - How to Cast on for Beginners

Basic Knitted Cast On Tutorial – How to Cast on for Beginners

How to Knit Stitch: Beginner Step-by-Step Tutorial

How to Knit Stitch: Beginner Step-by-Step Tutorial

How to Purl Stitch for Beginners: Step-by-Step Tutorial

How to Purl Stitch for Beginners: Step-by-Step Tutorial

How to Bind Off: Knitting Tutorial for Beginners

How to Bind Off: Knitting Tutorial for Beginners



learn how to knit in one day with THESE beginner knitting TUTORIALS! 

Knitting for beginners always starts with the same basic techniques. First, learn how to start a project by tying a slip knot and casting on. Next, practice the two basic stitches that create the foundation for all other stitch patterns. Lastly, we show you how to finish a project. 

Learning how to start knitting for beginners has never been so easy!

STEP 1: Make a Slip Knot

A slip knot gets the yarn onto your knitting needles. It is almost always the first step before casting on. Already a slip knot pro? Go ahead and skip ahead to casting on!

STEP 2: Cast on Your Stitches

Casting on creates the very first row of your project. We’ll show you a great beginner-friendly technique that is quick, easy, and creates a nice sturdy edge for your knits!

STEP 3: Learn the Knit Stitch

The knit stitch is the very first stitch to learn! It’s so important that the whole craft is named after this technique. Next up… purling!

STEP 4: Learn the Purl Stitch

The purl stitch is the second stitch to learn. Once you learn how to knit and purl you’ll be able to whip up almost any basic beginner-friendly knitting pattern.

STEP 5: Bind Off Your Stitches

Also called casting off this is how you get the stitches off your needles while creating a finished edge at the same time. We’ll show you the easiest way to bind off in this quick tutorial!

How to Knit Projects

How to Fix Knitting Mistakes

Part of Learning how to Knit includes fixing mistakes!

Whether you’re ready to finish your project or need to fix a mistake along the way, we’ve got a tutorial for that.

How to Finish Knits

The Finishing Touches for Every Knit Project.

Whether you’re ready to finish your project or need to fix a mistake along the way, we’ve got a tutorial for that.

How to Start
Knitting in the Round

After learning how to knit flat back and forth it’s time to learn the basics of knitting projects in the round! Being able to knit around in one piece means you have fewer seams and can knit a project faster. 

Start with the “Knitting in the Round” tutorial to learn the basics before moving on to “Magic Loop Knitting”!

Knitting for Beginners – Extras!

Learn more about the fun aspects of knitting, and all of the tools that are helpful to have as you learn how to start knitting.